St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church

Holy Spirit, awaken my heart! Give me an eager, expectant faith that Christ is coming back . . . Set my heart on fire with such love for Jesus that I long to see him return.

Mosaic by Carolyn Blake

Parish Priest: Canon Bennie Noonan

Deacon: Reverend John Lang

Telephone: ‭01462 813436‬

Sunday Mass at 11.00 am

Additional Masses will be added after 22nd June 2024. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Welcome to the to the website for St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Biggleswade. St Peter’s is part of the Diocese of Northampton. We warmly invite you and your family to come and worship with us at any of our Sunday or weekday services. You would also be very welcome at our wide range of organisations, activities and social events – for all ages. Please see the Newsletter for the latest information.